We Go by Train

Railways of the Slovak Republic, Železnicná spolocnost Slovensko a.s. (ZSSK), were awarded for its campaign entitled We Go by Train (Ideme Vlakom). At the centre of the advertisement campaign was a catchy song that used humour to reflect the benefits and realities of rail travel in Slovakia. The campaign was designed to showcase the rebrand of ZSSK, building awareness of the efforts to improve train travel throughout the country. 

Shortly after the campaign launched, the song became the second most popular video played on Slovak YouTube. This viral success caused railway transport to become a topic of discussion throughout the country. Most importantly, the campaign served to convince Slovakians that rail travel can be a relaxing experience full of adventures, good food and quality service. The jury congratulated ZSSK on using the campaign to create a movement that reached the consciousness of the Slovakian public, successfully improving attitudes towards rail travel. 


Železnicná spolocnost Slovensko a.s. (ZSSK)



